
Know our services

We have a large fleet of vehicles that are duly conditioned to provide emergency, non-urgent health transport services, preventative services and transport tailored to any of the person's needs.

Public Service

Over 40 years, she collaborated with the Department of Health in providing pre-hospital healthcare.

Private Service

La nostra voluntat és ajudar-te amb la nostra experiència, contacta amb nosaltres i el nostre equip t'ajudarà a trobar la millor solució per a cobrir les teves necessitats.

  • - Cobertura sanitària d'esdeveniments públics
  • - Trasllats sanitaris assistits
  • - Unitats adaptades per a persones amb mobilitat reduïda

Our vehicles

Health Transport Vehicles

We have a large fleet of health-conditioned vehicles to provide all sorts of health services: urgent, not urgent, adapted transport or preventive services.

In addition all transport is equipped with the sector's most innovative material with the aim of continuing to provide quality services to people with severe mobility restrictions.

Human Team

Our Technicians

Our team is made up of properly qualified professionals who have the resources to provide an efficient and high-quality service. Immediacy, personal treatment and human quality are other characteristics that are characteristic of our workers, whose main aim is to give the user the maximum comfort in the transfer.

Dumps with you

We treat our workers as personal and human quality.


Qualified personnel and necessary resources at all times.

24/7 Service

Available Communications Center

Users have at their disposal whenever a phone requires them to contact a professional team immediately and to try to find the most effective solution possible.

This service is available every day every day of the week without exception and to respond to needs that the user needs.


Our customers

Trust us

ajuntament-barcelona salut generalitat gencat 112 emergencies guttman